Bed Bug Prevention

Bed bugs travel from one location to another via furniture, luggage, clothing, bedding, and boxes. Once bed bugs enter a home, it can take weeks, if not months, to kill these pests. A homeowner will spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on bed bug treatments. Therefore, you must learn the recommended methods to prevent a bed bug infestation.

Identifying a Bed Bug

The first step you should take is to know what a bed bug looks like as well as the signs of a bed bug infestation. Early detection is key to helping avoid a full-blown bed bug infestation. If caught early, it is much easier to eliminate bed bugs from your home.

Bed bugs are small; however, they are visible to the naked eye. The size of the bug varies based on the life cycle of the bug. Immature bed bugs, referred to as nymphs, are approximately two to five millimeters in length. Conversely, adult bed bugs are typically around the size of an apple seed (a quarter of an inch or longer).

Bed bugs have oval bodies with six legs and two antennas. During the nymph stage of a bed bug’s life, the bugs are translucent until they feed. Immediately following a feeding, the bugs are bright red. As the blood is digested, the color of the bed bug will change to brown and finally black. During each stage of the life cycle, bed bugs molt and become darker. Adult bed bugs are brownish-red in color at all times.

Know Where to Find Bed Bugs

Due to the small size of bed bugs, they often hide in cracks, making them difficult to find. The most common bed bug hiding locations include:

  • Bed frames
  • Behind lighting fixtures
  • Behind pictures
  • Box springs
  • In drawers
  • In electrical outlets
  • Inside baseboards
  • Inside furniture
  • Mattresses
  • The hems of draperies
  • Under carpeting

Search Out Those Hiding Places

Grab a flashlight and a paint scraper to check out each of these areas. When inspecting these areas, look for bed bugs, nymphs, eggs, molted skin, and feces in crevices, cracks, and fabric folds. Bed bugs are attracted to warm areas, so ensure you look around your heating and cooling vents.

Bed bugs often inhabit areas where humans spend a lot of time, such as beds and furniture. Inspect the seams of mattresses and box springs. You should also look on the undersides of couches, chairs, and other upholstered furniture, including around the legs, between the seat cushions, and along any material folds.

Watch Out for Used Furniture

If you purchase or are given any used furniture, thoroughly inspect it before it is brought into your home. Absolutely do not pick up furniture that has been discarded along the curb. If you purchase used furniture, use an on-contact insecticide formula like Steri-Fab (Amazon link - These formulas are designed to destroy bed bugs and their eggs on contact. The formula also acts as a germicide, bactericide, and deodorizer.

Protect Your Home from Visiting Guests

If you have guests staying at your home, they could bring bed bugs into your home. When a family member or friend leaves your home, inspect the room they stayed in. Inspect where their luggage was stored along with all areas where your guest spent time resting or sleeping. This is especially important for family and friends who have stayed in hotels or have traveled via airplanes, trains, or buses to get to your home.

Protect Yourself While Traveling

If you stay in a hotel or stay at a family member’s or friend’s home, inspect the hotel room you will be staying in prior to bringing in your personal belongings. Check the mattress and box springs, along the headboard, and in all dressers and nightstands. In addition to this, there is a bed bug spray that you can spray on your luggage to reduce the risk of bed bugs attaching themselves to your luggage.

Many people assume bed bugs are attracted to filth; however, this is a myth. Bed bugs are attracted to blood and warmth. However, a cluttered home provides more hiding spots for bed bugs. The key to preventing a bed bug infestation is to always be on the lookout for signs of a bed bug infestation.

Proactive Practices

There are numerous measures and practices that you can take to reduce the risk of a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs look for places to hide during the day. In fact, they hate the light and scurry towards darkness. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways that you can prevent an infestation.

  1. Bed Bug Traps – Bed bug traps and monitors go under your bed’s and furniture’s feet to reduce the risk of a bed bug reaching your bed. Additionally, these traps allow you to quickly ascertain if you have bed bugs.
  2. Clean Floors Daily – Bed bugs often hide within carpets and along baseboards. Cleaning these areas daily can help prevent an infestation. Empty the vacuum bag and place it in a sealed trash bag outdoors.
  3. Encase Mattresses and Box Springs – Mattress encasement systems prevent bed bugs from infesting your mattress and box springs. (Amazon link - These systems are waterproof and keep your mattresses clean and free of bugs.
  4. Inspect Often – Check your furnishings often to ensure there are no signs of bed bugs. Make sure to check every crack and crevice, under furniture, and between cushions during your inspection.
  5. Outlet Covers – Bed bugs can climb inside electrical plugs through the holes. Using outlet covers can prevent bed bugs from traveling from one area of the home to another via the electrical system in the house.
  6. Reduce Clutter – The more clutter that you have in your home, the harder it is to get rid of bed bugs. Eliminate clutter to make it easier to find bed bug hiding spots.
  7. Use Professional Strength Bed Bug Formulas – Bed bug infestations are difficult to eliminate. Unfortunately, many of the products sold in big-box retailers and online are not strong enough to decimate bed bugs. Instead, either call an exterminator or use a professional strength bed bug formula. (Amazon link -
  8. Vacuum Sealed Bags – Placing vacuum seal bags for your clothing and linens that are not used frequently can prevent bed bugs from infesting these items.

A bed bug infestation can occur in your home before you even realize you have a problem. Oftentimes, the first sign of an infestation is finding multiple bite marks upon waking. Bed bugs are typically most active during the nighttime.

Many people think that bed bugs are only found in poor neighborhoods; however, they can also be found in multi-million dollar homes. In fact, individuals who travel often are prone to bed bugs. Bed bugs can jump onto luggage, be transported in boxes brought into a home, in furniture, and even on clothing, which is why you should inspect your furnishing often for any signs of bed bugs.

Eradicating bed bugs is time-consuming and quite expensive. Typically, a home will need to be treated multiple times before all bed bugs can be eradicated. Keep your home free of clutter, inspect your home often, and use professional-grade pesticides to help prevent a bed bug infestation.

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